Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Common Conversation with Andrew

I felt I should share with everyone a conversation I had with Andrew. This is how most of our conversations go, if you "don't get it" and think it is stupid, it is because it is. Don't feel left out.

(01:58:46 PM) Matt McMurry: to bad i can't link up to your brain and have my programs do research with your brain power when you brain is idle to help solve cancer
(01:58:57 PM) Andrew: you can
(01:59:00 PM) Andrew: i give you permision
(01:59:19 PM) Matt McMurry: cool, i'll send you the app to install on your personal firmware
(01:59:30 PM) Andrew: sweet
(01:59:32 PM) Matt McMurry: it doesn't come with any ad ware i promise
(01:59:36 PM) Andrew: this wont damage my brainware will it?
(01:59:44 PM) Matt McMurry: what version are you running?
(01:59:52 PM) Andrew: 6.skull
(02:00:07 PM) Matt McMurry: is that the open source one or not? and does it have synaptics 12.5 or higher?
(02:00:19 PM) Andrew: lower
(02:00:26 PM) Andrew: i dont even have cancerwall protection
(02:00:30 PM) Andrew: is that going to be a problem?
(02:00:49 PM) Matt McMurry: i'll give you free cancerwall support
(02:01:08 PM) Andrew: sweet
(02:01:15 PM) Matt McMurry: i'll have to find the version that works with older synaptic version, and we should be fine
(02:01:23 PM) Andrew: is there like a monthly blood supscription?
(02:01:45 PM) Matt McMurry: actually it is designed to increase that, whatever that is
(02:01:52 PM) Andrew: and when is this free weekend?
(02:02:18 PM) Andrew: and how much this free weekend going to cost me?
(02:02:26 PM) Andrew: alright
(02:02:32 PM) Matt McMurry: 70dollars
(02:02:37 PM) Andrew: im gunna go hack into the waterheater with mom
(02:02:54 PM) Andrew: we have wallhack 2.5 so that should be a sinch
(02:03:04 PM) Andrew: and ogc
(02:03:05 PM) Andrew: and hlh
(02:03:06 PM) Andrew: haha
(02:03:11 PM) Andrew: i cant believe i remember those
(02:03:13 PM) Matt McMurry: hlh is a good water heater hack
(02:03:24 PM) Andrew: does it have aimbot support?
(02:03:26 PM) Matt McMurry: who knew it would cross as a counter-strike hack
(02:03:33 PM) Andrew: haha
(02:03:34 PM) Matt McMurry: yeah, for pin pointing cold spots of water
(02:03:40 PM) Andrew: awesome!
(02:03:48 PM) Andrew: ill just go hook up the gameshark now!
(02:03:49 PM) Andrew: peace out!
(02:03:53 PM) Matt McMurry: later
(02:04:00 PM) Matt McMurry: just get the right hex code
(02:04:13 PM) Matt McMurry: make it whatever value you want, and the water can be hotter than lava
(02:06:13 PM) Andrew: sweet!


1 comment:

Donna said...