Friday, August 17, 2007


Well our Colorado trip was so fun. I got some killer pictures. Yes it ended much earlier than originally intended. We still hiked around 18 miles, and 3 of that was a vertical mile up, and 3 a vertical mile down, that was pretty intense, but after you see these pictures, amazing as they may be they still do not do justice to the view, it had to be around 13 14000 feet, that is if the 2nd meadow base is at about 11,000. I am not sure. The last three pictures will show much to small, you can click around and it will take you to my picasa web album where you can download the picture to see it full scape. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Donna said...

So how about some killer pictures of Rexburg??? I know there has got to be some. I dare you to find them and post them. Be creative...I need a good Matthew moment!!