Friday, February 22, 2008

Library Games!

Okay. I love library games. What are they? Library games are primarily designed to be fun, but also, it helps all people move outside of their comfort zone, which personally, I feel nobody should be allowed to stay in. A few of the games that I like to play are, GPS (Girl Positioning System), this game is used with walkie talkies. Essentially you have your friend pick a girl that he thinks he would like to ask out on a date, he sits next to her, with a walkie, and then, typically myself (whomever though) will have the other walkie, and will tell him everything to tell her. Mind you she can hear everything coming through the walkie, along with everyone surrounding her.

Another game consists of going with someone to the library and splitting up, you have to find books that match the persons characteristics, this game is a little more mellow when it comes to destroying comfort zones.

Finally the above pictures show my latest idea, mind you not the last. What I am doing is finding a girl, who I do not know and getting to know her, in hopes of finding a date, um, not for me, but for a friend. A Double Blind Date? I will confess, I did fail with this girl you see here. Mid way through a rather successful approach, she did start to talk about her boyfriend. I tell you what though, it did worlds of good for my comfort zone. It is one thing to just start talking to someone out of self interest, but to do it for someone else is a whole different story, a fun story!

-Matt Maximus McMurry
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

You're pretty brave!