Monday, February 9, 2009

What port are my apps using?

Their are two commands to look at
fuser and netstat

fuser will help in looking for port conflicts.

something like fuser -n tcp 80 would tell you what app is already using port 80.

netstat will list it all our for you.
netstat -nlp will give you programs, ports, and PIDS.

Both of these can be very useful. The main reason I have it posted on my blog is so I can stop forgetting these commands!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Simple Weblogic Setup

Weblogic is a powerful Oracle delivered application server. Maybe you want to learn about it, or start implementing it. These instructions may or may not fit your needs and is for a simple setup, you may want to consider revising your production install of weblogic, but I promise this setup is easy!

The procedure works for both Weblogic 10 and 9.2 (maybe others). I am going to give instructions from 10 (on linux), if you are installing 9.2 you may have some small differences in the procedure, but you can figure it out.

First you gotta get the file: It is a free download, you do need an account (It would appear you need a seperate account from oracles main site in order to download 9.2) Please observe the licensing policies.

Note: If you are trying to figure out which build of 9.2 to download (they are distribution specific for linux) I recommend downloading the build that most closely matches your distribitution. I was able to get a Suse built to work just fine on Ubuntu.

Keep in mind that you may or may not want to install this under a root or Administrative account. For testing purposes however, a non Admin account should work just fine.

  1. Execute the binary in a terminal ./server103_linux32.bin
  2. The GUI installer will startup, click next to move to the "Choose BEA Home Directory"
  3. Make sure "Create a new BEA Home" is selected.
  4. In the BEA Home Directory field make sure you give a location you have permissions to access and write, and remember the location you choose. Click Next.
  5. For this example we are going to do a "Complete" Install. Click Next.
  6. On the "Choose Product Installation Directories" Leave everything as is and Click Next.
  7. On the "Installation Summary" Leave everything as is and Click Next.
  8. The application will install, when finished, un-check "Run Quickstart" (or not if you want to see the handy menu) and click Done.
Weblogic is installed, but we need to do an initial setup, these directions, well, I wouldn't take them to the bank, make sure you study up and know what you are doing when preparing a production server.

  1. We need to doing some configuring; execute beahome/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/config_builder (EX. sh /home/user/bea/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/
  2. Make sure "Create a Domain Template" is selected. Click Next.
  3. Browse for the installed sample domain beahome/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/wl_server you don't need to expand the wl_server, just select it. Click Next.
  4. Give your Template a name, doesn't matter. Click Next.
  5. On the "Add or Omit Applications" screen, just Click Next.
  6. On the "Add Files" screen, just Click Next.
  7. On the "Add SQL Scripts" You can probably leave blank, or pick a Database type and version. I add Mysql. On the Type drop down select Mysql, on the Version drop down select "using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver". Click Next.
  8. Change "examplesServer" to another name... if you want. Don't change anything else. Click Next
  9. Make sure the User name and password are set to weblogic. The password looks as though it is set to weblogic, but to be safe, I would retype the password in.Click Next. (Don't worry about Configuring additional users, groups .....)
  10. On the "Specify Start Menu Entries" Screen, just Click Next.
  11. On the "Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables" screen. Click Next.
  12. On the "Review WebLogic Domain Template" screen. Click Next.
  13. On the "Create a Template" screen. Click Create.
  14. Click Done.
Start it up!
  1. From Console run sh beahome/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/wl_server/bin/
  2. It may take a little bit of time to start up, just wait for it. (it may or may not start a browser up depending on your system, if it fails, its fine)
  3. After it is up all the way, go here! http://localhost:7001/console login with username: weblogic password: weblogic
  4. Your Weblogic server is up and running!
  5. Want to test your app?
Installing an application to run on Weblogic (These are basic instructions, your app may need furthing configuring)
  1. Follow the Start it up! instructions first.
  2. If you have any other servers that need to be running for your app (EX. Mysql) start it now.
  3. Click "Configure Applications"
  4. Click the "Install Button"
  5. Navigate to the location of your application (be sure to read the notes on this page as they can be helpful) When you find your app, it should appear differently than the other folders/directories do, and should have a radio button next to it, select the radio button and Click Next.
  6. Select to deploy either as an application (if you know your app must deploy as a library select that, if you aren't sure select as an application) Click Next.
  7. On the next screen, leave everything as a default unless you are sure about a change that needs to be made (make sure their is a name given for the app).Click Finish.
  8. You will be taken to the Summary of Deployments page when the setup finishes.
  9. If everything went well. you should see your app name in the list, its status should be active and its health should be okay. If the status is not active. check the box next to the app name and click start. If it doesn't start and the health is not okay, their may be something wrong with you app.
  10. Everything looks good, try to hit your app at http://localhost:7001/nameofapphere
You should be good to go for testing and learning about weblogic!

let me know if you have questions by leaving a comment on this blog

I credit some of these instructions to David B.

Moving Blogs

Hey Everyone, It is time for a change! As Jaime and I are soon to be married we have started a new blog! Check it out, it will be full of totally radical stories and news so you can get the inside scoop!

So their is some good news bad news. Well it may only be bad news for some people, well maybe not bad news but just I don't care news. This blog will remain active! The topic will change though. It will be my techie blog. I know it doesn't have a slick name or nothing, but I think my name is slick enough for it!

So here I will post all sorts of technical things. Somethings will be really high tech and low level for the developer end and somethings will be really useful high level things, like how to make Word do cool tricks like a back flip or something.

The reason I am doing this is one, to help me remember the things I learn, and to share it with everyone else. This blog is indexed on google so everyone will be able to find it!

Cool beans Jim!

Don't forget to subscribe/follow/link to our new blog at

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Life is Great

I find that life is generally boring, interrupted by moments of exciting events. I have also found that changing your perception of what is exciting can make life fun all the time. Enjoying life means being happy and it is up to each of us to cause this happiness in our lives.

Happiness is essential to a good life and while we have to do things to cause this happiness, sometimes happy things just happen. To avoid much more use of the word happy, I am talking about Jaime.

To shortly brief the world, I have known Jaime for about a year. Last fall we met in a class we took, Discipleship training. Starting earlier this year we would go on dates, not very often though. I can remember nearly every time I would have some hope that something could happen. Nothing ever did.

Beginning this fall, by chance, Jaime and myself ended up moving pretty close together, thus spending more time together, going to church together, etc... Something happened and we began to see each other through different eyes.

We have been dating for a bit and it has been great! Jaime is a happy person who shows great spirit, leadership, care, and much more and much greatness. One of the greatest things I like about Jaime is my feeling comfortable and relaxed around her, I feel like I can entirely be me, she's becoming, if she hasn't already become, my best friend!

I chose this picture... cause its funny.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Upsidedown Is Better, Savor the Flavor!

I really like to eat food and drink tasty drinks, as I am sure the most of us do. Sometimes I eat a little weird, but to be honest with you, if looking more weird means better tasting food, it is worth it. And now to explain myself.

When you put buttered toast in your mouth, which side of the toast hits your tongue first, the dry or buttered? And why did you butter it, to make it easier to chew, because everyone is doing it, or because the sweet butter is delicious on your tongue? Flip it over! butter side down! it tastes better!

When you eat pizza do you think mmm pizza, or do you think mmm pizza bread? In order to get the maximum amount of flavor on your tongue in the least amount of time, eat the pizza bread side up!

Finally, though their are plenty of other foods to eat more correctly for fast taste enhancements, ice cream. Yup their is nothing like a cold metal spoon on my tongue, but you know what is better? A spoon on the top of my mouth, cause that means the ice cream is right on the tongue, instant flavor.

Here is a good drinking tip of delicious juices and whatnot. For me I have moments when I drink something I think it is the best tasting drink ever! I have realized how wasteful I have been with such drinks. Imagine you take a big mouthful of something great, then swallow it.... What about all that goodness in the middle of your mouth that just gets pushed down your throat? Wasted. Try only taking enough to cover your tongue and cheeks so when you close up your mouth you have all mouth surface area covered with very little juice wasted ( I do understand that sometimes the pleasure of a glass of milk, water, juice, whatever is sometimes in swallowing it big, but when it comes to a flavor appetite, this works so great!). Your drink will last so much longer and you will still find great satisfaction in every sip you take! Just enjoy the flavor in your mouth till your own saliva dilutes the goodness out of it, swallow and repeat as desired.

When it comes to good cookies, savor them too, chew and rest, chew and rest, don't keep it in there to long, that is just gross, but make sure you get all the goodness flavor out of it, flavor is for your mouth, not your stomach!

My weirdest post ever,

Matt McMurry

Sunday, August 17, 2008

An Evening on the Stand with President Eyring

This Sunday and the past Sunday President Eyring, son of President Henry Eyring in the First Presidency, just to make things clear, has been moderating a very interesting fireside. I say moderating because this is a highly involved group discussion firside. The title for this fireside is "The Church's position on the legal definition of marriage". Much went on about discussing not so much whether or not you agree with the Church, in their decision to step out politically on the happenings in California currently regarding same-sex marriag. It was more how to deal with it, and understanding where the saints level of understanding is in this important event.

Last Sunday we had a great discussion on realizing our strengths and weaknesses as saints in being able to convey the Church's stand, and understand it ourselves. I came to the conclusions that I know very well, but I do not know that I know it very well in my ability to explain the stand with a contender, but I believe I could say what needs to be said. I came to also understand that this is such a sticky position from a political stance, if same-sex marriage is legalized, the government steps on the churches, if it is not, they discriminate homosexual. Thus, a very hard issue to deal with. (In my life when it seems neither is a positive decision, I prefer the undecision, don't decided, just run away :D ). I could go into detail, but that isn't the point of the post.

This Sunday we met together again and broke into groups (about 200 people are at this fireside) and did role playing of different characters and their stance on the Church's strict 'Policy' of marriage. It was a great time, and this is a common teaching method of President Eyring (He is a stake President up here, just an fyi). Well I had a comment and I stood up and he recognized me (I took a class with him about a year ago and have kept in contact since) He asked me to come up on the stand and do some role playing, man I was surprised. I have role played with him before but not in an audience that large.

This is such a sweet moment for me. We role played a situation and I was certainly humbled by it and felt the spirit and it was a good spirit. We talked about it up on the stand for a while, just standing up there with him was a privilige in and of itself. Their is more, but I can not put it up on the blog, needless to say, I have come to realize when I am answering, and responding to people when it is by the Spirit. The key is, I know my ways, or that is to say, I know how I would have things done. When I respond otherwise, it simply is the Spirit.

So I found myself on the stand twice today. Firstly, I was part of a musical number and it was the first time I sang the tenor part, without anyone else singing tenor... It wasn't bad, but I was shaking. Later unexpectedly on the stand with President Eyring. I have not felt nervous in a long time, I felt it twice today, and it was good.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Common Conversation with Andrew

I felt I should share with everyone a conversation I had with Andrew. This is how most of our conversations go, if you "don't get it" and think it is stupid, it is because it is. Don't feel left out.

(01:58:46 PM) Matt McMurry: to bad i can't link up to your brain and have my programs do research with your brain power when you brain is idle to help solve cancer
(01:58:57 PM) Andrew: you can
(01:59:00 PM) Andrew: i give you permision
(01:59:19 PM) Matt McMurry: cool, i'll send you the app to install on your personal firmware
(01:59:30 PM) Andrew: sweet
(01:59:32 PM) Matt McMurry: it doesn't come with any ad ware i promise
(01:59:36 PM) Andrew: this wont damage my brainware will it?
(01:59:44 PM) Matt McMurry: what version are you running?
(01:59:52 PM) Andrew: 6.skull
(02:00:07 PM) Matt McMurry: is that the open source one or not? and does it have synaptics 12.5 or higher?
(02:00:19 PM) Andrew: lower
(02:00:26 PM) Andrew: i dont even have cancerwall protection
(02:00:30 PM) Andrew: is that going to be a problem?
(02:00:49 PM) Matt McMurry: i'll give you free cancerwall support
(02:01:08 PM) Andrew: sweet
(02:01:15 PM) Matt McMurry: i'll have to find the version that works with older synaptic version, and we should be fine
(02:01:23 PM) Andrew: is there like a monthly blood supscription?
(02:01:45 PM) Matt McMurry: actually it is designed to increase that, whatever that is
(02:01:52 PM) Andrew: and when is this free weekend?
(02:02:18 PM) Andrew: and how much this free weekend going to cost me?
(02:02:26 PM) Andrew: alright
(02:02:32 PM) Matt McMurry: 70dollars
(02:02:37 PM) Andrew: im gunna go hack into the waterheater with mom
(02:02:54 PM) Andrew: we have wallhack 2.5 so that should be a sinch
(02:03:04 PM) Andrew: and ogc
(02:03:05 PM) Andrew: and hlh
(02:03:06 PM) Andrew: haha
(02:03:11 PM) Andrew: i cant believe i remember those
(02:03:13 PM) Matt McMurry: hlh is a good water heater hack
(02:03:24 PM) Andrew: does it have aimbot support?
(02:03:26 PM) Matt McMurry: who knew it would cross as a counter-strike hack
(02:03:33 PM) Andrew: haha
(02:03:34 PM) Matt McMurry: yeah, for pin pointing cold spots of water
(02:03:40 PM) Andrew: awesome!
(02:03:48 PM) Andrew: ill just go hook up the gameshark now!
(02:03:49 PM) Andrew: peace out!
(02:03:53 PM) Matt McMurry: later
(02:04:00 PM) Matt McMurry: just get the right hex code
(02:04:13 PM) Matt McMurry: make it whatever value you want, and the water can be hotter than lava
(02:06:13 PM) Andrew: sweet!
